FindAlike Release Notes Version 36 Changed word count limit to apply to word count after stopword removal to improve pdf/doc matching, changed default word count limit to 250, max doc vector length to 8 and upper bound for doc length for tight matching from 10 to 8 to improve processing speed. 37 Added crawler and matching database timeout setting, renamed Run Log to General tab, added ability to extract text from rtf files via RTF Box, improved quality of text extraction from docx files 38 Added rtf text extraction in crawler rather than using IFilter, error crawling file with apostrophe in name 39 Added missing dll ICSharpcode.SharpZiplib.dll to build, unregistered message box after setting button text 42 Use Autosummary as text where Outlook PDF attachment text extraction fails, change report from error to warning Advise resetting of Protected View for Office apps where delete of copy of input file in temp dir fails Change to use Office 2010 objects 44 Include Maintain Local DB executable to pack local database, and interlocks to prevent simultaneous running of Maintain Local DB and FindAlike Add Purge option to remove database entries for non-existent files and emails Change processing of msg files to ensure extraction Modify word count to give zero rather than 1 for text files with no text content Show wait icon immediately after clicking on Office Add-ins. 45 Add collection (optional) and display of Author/From and Last Edited By/To data for emails and Word, Excel and Powerpoint docs shown in Similar files results Add option to edit system tags in Workgroup mode where local and network D/B are both SQL Server Fix access denied problem to copy of open file when using Similar Files from add-ins Make double-clicking on file and folder columns work for all modes 48 Fix problem setting tags in workgroup mode with SQL Server Network D/B Included processing of Outlook 2013 files which are prefixed differently in search index 60 Process files from SharePoint document libraries by copying to local drive and indexing on next crawl Apply tags to multiple files and emails from Desktop app and Search and Similar FilesResults Modify Ifilter to limit number of characters read from text files and impose CPU limit on extraction operation Modify Install from per-machine to per-user Add test of access to and retrieval from local and remote search indexes in Administrator mode 63 Enable selection of shares from network crawler using VistaDB Allow applicatiion of tags to folders without errors, multiple application of tags with out errors, tagging of PDF and other special extensions using special code 76 Fixed bugs in tagging of multiple files and emails, added option to remove selected tags from files, filter file types to only tag particular ones. Added test tab for running queries against search index via API Similarity matching to clipboard content bug fixed Check for multiple FindAlikes in current session only rather than all sessions. 78 Added form validating demo license 80 Improved error handling for tag application, added option to autotag for fixed number of tags 81 Fixed problems in autotagging for single and multiple files. 82 Added autotag option for fixed number of files, button to Autotag selected emails from Outlook Changed display of errors and crawl data to use standard methods which are not overwritten Updated documentation Changed to use .Net 4.5 in response to problems with new VistaDB release 83 Added Error Type display to error tab Fixed functionality when using SQL database Corrected various errors in display of error info 91 Added splash screen to startup, option to select search stores, New Mail check and autotag 92 Sort search results by Modified Date rather than score Add option for selecting email and/or filesystem to search over Store Keywords from Klarity classifier for diagnosis of performance Trap error in GetUpdated when getting NameSpace 94 Added Binary Classifier option to Classifier tab Modified NewMail to show categories for all incoming emails 99 Added option to store tags as metadata or in file name Fixed bugs in launch of tagging from search & similar files 100/101 Changed license database to be network rather than local Incorporated NewMail functionality into Similar Files so only 2 installs needed Made licensing functionality include application - different error messages Added parameter to specify delay between start of new email ingestion and classification Redesign Outlook Explorer Ribbon window, include auto-tag option 102 Add ability to process files from shares on Linux servers, add License options from Tag Screen accessed from Office Add-In. 106 Included changes to Common files - no functionality changes 110 Further changes to Common files to deal with licensing problems 111 Further changes to Common files to deal with US date format issues in licensing, Included pdftotext.exe in install, added switch to use pdftotext only when running on 64 bit OS - otherwise use IFilter